All training packages include a one-to-three month stay on our 20-acre property that borders the shore of Quichapa Lake near Cedar City, Utah.
A one month stay provides an adequate amount of time for your dog to learn and practice all of the commands and skills we will teach.
In addition to the basic commands, we can also train your dog on any specific behavior you desire (i.e. An avid jogger may want their dog trained to become a leash free running companion).
Tell us what you would like to see (or not see) and we will make it happen!

The Quichapa Kennels waterfowl training package includes the following:
-E-collar Conditioning
-Place and steady to name
-Duck scent recognition
-Force fetch retrieve (hand delivery)
-Decoy introduction
-Swimming exercises
-Mark training on land and water
-Steady to command from land blind or boat
-Owner training

The Quichapa Kennels obedience training package includes training the following commands:
-Walking Heel
Also included in this package:
-E-collar conditioning
-Socialization with other dogs (if dog is not aggressive towards other dogs/animals)
-Owner-specific behavior training (may require additional training time)
-Owner training for a smooth transition
The Quichapa Kennels shed hunting training package includes the following:
-E-collar conditioning
-Antler scent recognition
-Hunt command
-Force fetch retrieve (hand delivery)
-Practice hunt scenarios on the property
-Live hunting practice on different terrain
-Owner training